Good dog behavior starts with a
What can I help you with?

Basic Manners Dog Training
Enjoy a Connected K9 who’s a joy to live with at home, easy to take anywhere, and impresses all who encounter them.
We’ll focus on the basics you need most—sits and downs, and stays or coming when called or leaving non-chewable items alone or learning polite alternatives to jumping to say hi—you tell me and we’ll get it done.
Basic Manners Training Option 1:
Private Coaching
The perfect option for DIY dog lovers
I’ll create a basic manners training plan personalized to your goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll coach you through it step-by-step, teaching you the insider secrets of effective dog trainers.
Depending on your preference and current safety conditions we can work together in person or via live online video conferencing. Either way, my goals for you are great results and a great time getting them.
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your goals, and design your training plan.
6-week Basic Manners Private Coaching program: $540

Basic Manners Training Option 2:
I do the training for you
No training time? No problem.
I’ll create a basic manners training plan personalized to your goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll do the training for you. Yep, that’s right. I’ll do the training (you don’t even have to be there), then transfer my results to you. (Training transfer sessions can be done in-person or via online video conference.)
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your goals, and design your training plan.
3-week Basic Manners Day Training program: $1,260
Includes 9 dog training sessions + 3 transfer sessions + 2 follow-ups

Basic Manners Training Option 3:
Creative Connections Basic Manners Class
The classic group training class experience
Join other St. Clair and Macomb county dog lovers for training transformation and fun in a group setting. We’ll cover basic manners and canine life skills for a Connected K9 you can enjoy in all settings.
Please note: If necessary due to pandemic conditions, this class will be moved online.
6-week Basic Manners class: $149
Includes 1 orientation session (no dogs, please) + 5 group training sessions
Class Rules: Dogs should be 9 months or older and up-to-date on vaccinations. All family members welcome, but children must be old enough to not require supervision.

Relief from Behavior Issues
Living with fear and aggression can be deeply stressful for dog and human alike. Fortunately, most issues can be greatly improved—and often resolved altogether.
Whether your dog is growling and barking on leash at other dogs or strangers, taking issue with canine or human family members or household visitors, struggling to share her things, or suffering from anxiety, I want to bring you relief.
To do so, I use a range of positive training approaches, including BAT (Behavior Adjustment Training) and Jane Gerard’s Circle Fencing for leash reactive dogs, for example. Having multiple tools in my box allows me to apply the strategy best suited to you and your dog.
Behavior Modification Training Option 1:
Private Coaching
The perfect option for DIY dog lovers
I’ll create a behavior modification training plan personalized to your goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll coach you through it step by step, providing support all along the way.
Depending on your preference and current safety conditions we can work together in person or via live online video conferencing. Either way, my goals for you are great results and improved peace of mind.
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your goals, and design your training plan.
8-week Behavior Modification Private Coaching program: $720

Behavior Modification Training Option 2:
I do the training for you
No training time? No problem.
I’ll create a behavior modification training plan personalized to your goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll do the training for you. Yep, that’s right. I’ll do the training (so long as your dog is comfortable with strangers you don’t even have to be there), then transfer my results to you. (Training transfer sessions can be done in-person or via online video conference.)
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your goals, and design your training plan.
4-week Behavior Modification Day Training program: $1,620
Includes 12 dog training sessions + 4 transfer sessions + 2 follow-ups

Dogs, Babies, & Children
The mixed pitter-patter of dog paws and little feet can warm the heart. But when dogs and children don’t connect well, the stress can be unbearable. Please let me help.
My program can be customized to address prevention by getting your dog ready for baby’s arrival, or used to smooth out issues already at play.
Whether you need basics like teaching your dog to walk calmly with a stroller, go to his or her bed during feeding times and diaper changes, and learn not to jump on mommy or the kids, or are struggling with issues of over-exuberant play or aggression, I can help restore household harmony.
Dogs, Babies, & Children Training Option 1:
Private Coaching
The most common solution
I’ll create a training plan personalized to your needs and goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll coach you through it step by step, providing support all along the way.
Depending on your preference and current safety conditions we can work together in person or via live online video conferencing. Either way, my goals for you are great results and improved peace of mind.
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your needs and goals, and design your training plan.
6-week Dog & Children Basic Manners Coaching program: $540
8-week Dog & Children Behavior Modification Coaching program: $720

Dogs, Babies, & Children Training Option 2:
I do the training for you
Ideal for busy families
I’ll create a training plan personalized to your needs and goals, household, and lifestyle. Then I’ll do the training for you. Yep, that’s right. I’ll do the training, then transfer my results to you. (Training transfer sessions can be done in-person or via online video conference.)
Please note: This option can be utilized for basic training like stroller work and go-to-your bed commands. It is not suitable for treating fear or aggression toward baby or children, though in some cases I can offer a hybrid package to do as much of the foundation training for you as possible.
90-minute Initial Consultation fee: $175
This is the first step to all private training programs—where I assess your dog, understand your needs and goals, and design your training plan.
3-week Dogs & Children Day Training program: $1,260
Includes 9 dog training sessions + 3 transfer sessions + 2 follow-ups